Monday, December 30, 2019

Defining Abnormality Essay - 736 Words

Defining Abnormality All of the definitions of abnormality that we have studied, have been culturally specific, meaning that, what may possibly be classed as normal in one culture, could be classed as extremely abnormal to another. This problem of cultural relativism limits the definitions accuracy in being able to define abnormality as a whole. It is near impossible to make an absolute statement about what is normal, or abnormal in human behaviour, purely because of cultural factors. The four definitions we studied do not take cultural differences into account. The Statistical Infrequency definition groups people together, based on certain measured characteristics, and put this†¦show more content†¦This definition treats people as individuals, and deals with internal, rather than external factors, and also deals with emotions rather than statistics, which makes it more personal, yet is still doesnt overcome the problem of culture. Some cultures may affect people fitting these criteria, yet this doesnt mean that they are abnormal, or have a bad state of mental health. The last definition we studied was Failure To Function Adequately. This definition suggests that when peoples behaviour interferes with their daily functioning, and they do not function adequately, then they are abnormal. This definition realises that there is a higher incidence of psychological problems among people from a minority group, however this may be due to their more stressful life experiences, and so even this definition doesnt bring culture as a whole into the equation. Cultural relativism is the ability to view the beliefs and customs of other people within the context of their culture rather than their own. Some people see those from other cultures, and see what they do or believe in as abnormal, purely because it is differentShow MoreRelatedDefining Abnormality1408 Words   |  6 PagesDefining Abnormality Paper Sabrina Koppen University Of Phoenix Robert Irizarry PSY 410 Abnormal Psychology August 11, 2008 Defining Abnormality Paper As William is walking down the street he notices a young woman walking toward him having a full conversation. Technology, Bill thought to himself, thinking that the young woman has one of those blue tooth ear pieces in her ear. Once Bill is close enough to get a clear view he realizes that the young woman is not on the phone but indeedRead More Defining Abnormality Essay2201 Words   |  9 PagesDefining Abnormality One way of defining abnormality is in terms of characteristics or behaviours that are statistically infrequent (the deviation from statistical norms definition). 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This is why labelling behaviours from culture to culture and place-to-place is veryRead MoreChallenges in Identifying Mental Disorders685 Words   |  3 Pagesdisorder so difficult to understand. When discussing or defining what is abnormal we can run into some challenges on our techniques in defining or diagnosing a patient. There are so many ways a person or client or patient can appear normal or not. Misinterpreting this can lead to very unpleasant results. Definitions of Abnormality The follow defined terms can have great uses or limitations. The statistical type of definition of abnormality can be seen as a complete version displaying creditabilityRead MoreAbnormality Essay Discuss Two or More Definitions of Abnormality920 Words   |  4 PagesINDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES Question 10 â€Å"Abnormality is very difficult to define. It can be hard to decide where normal behaviour ends and abnormal behaviour begins† Discuss two or more definitions of abnormality AO1 = 6 marks Knowledge and understanding of definitions of abnormality. AO2 = 6 marks Commentary on definitions of abnormality. The term ‘abnormal’ means deviating from the average. Therefore, if we were to adopt a literal approach to defining abnormality, we would conclude that any rareRead MoreAbnormal Psychology1605 Words   |  7 Pagesbehaviors to be associated with witches or sorcerers. With time different areas, such as the psychosocial, biological and sociocultural, saw that they could find an explanation for these odd behaviors. Throughout time there have been problems with defining abnormal behaviors. Abnormal psychology is also known as psychopathology, and it seeks to understand abnormal behaviors. A behavior can be normal to one person while being completely abnormal to another. 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Abnormal behaviour is however difficult to diagnose because it is, to a large extent, based on the symptoms people exhibit. Psychiatrists and psychologists use a standardized system called a diagnostic manual to help them but this system

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gmos Being Used For Agricultural Production Essay

The population around the world is increasing constantly, therefore, GMOs which are safe to consume should be used in the production of agricultural products in order to keep up with demand. First, the population is growing on a day to day basis and is constantly demanding agricultural resources that use GMOs. Next, will be the history of GMOs and their use. Finally will be my own stance on the topic of GMOs being used for agricultural production. The seven-billionth member of humanity was welcomed in 2011. Experts predict by 2050 with the current birth rate humanity will reach towards 9 billion people. In order to feed all of these people the amount of food that we produce would have to nearly double. Aside from the issue of the amount of food there are issues like what kind of food is needed and where it is needed around the globe. For the most part the earth’s population has increased relatively slowly but steady pace. In the past 120 years, however, the amount of people th at need to be fed by our planet has increased tremendously from 1.5 billion to 7 billion. This dramatic increase may be because of agriculture itself. On a global scale food is nutritious and a lot easier to get than it was before. Birth rates are tending to go down but the life expectancy and life quality is increasing in this day in age. Even with this happening experts still expect the population to grow by more than 2 billion in the next 40 years. Another issue is the technological space betweenShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Pesticides On Agriculture And Agriculture1477 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction In the USA today, there is a large quantity of food whose prices are quite affordable to many. Agricultural advances in technology are to be acknowledged for the large amounts of food in the country. Progresses in the mechanization of farming for example have brought about improved agricultural output over the recent years (Marian, 2016). Production of food has increased, while overburdening of land has been reduced significantly. A major disadvantage of mechanization nonetheless hasRead MoreOverpopulation Is The Scarcity Of Food Supplies1408 Words   |  6 Pagesresources on Earth cannot support the total population, thus resulting in various problems that conflict with the world’s peace and harmony. One major problem that is caused by overpopulation is the scarcity of food supplies. There is not enough food being produced to feed the mouths of the endlessly increasing population. Therefore, many people all over the world starve and are malnourished, which is why many armed and international conflicts have occurred in the past years fighting over natural resourcesRead MoreFood Ethics: Should Environmentalists Oppose Genetically Modified Food?1247 Words   |  5 Pagesfoods or GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) are crop plants that are modified in a laboratory to enhance desired traits, to offer greater yields, to improve pest and disease resistance, to increase nutrition, or to boost tolerance to temperature extremes, drought, and salinity (The Hutchinson Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide). This controversial concept has been debated among environmental activists, public interest groups, and other scientists and government officials since GMOs were introducedRead MoreTechnology s Impact On Food1452 Words   |  6 Pagesgenetically modified organisms (GMOs) by introducing different scientists who explain what GMOs are and the concerns they have with the use of them. The film has received great reviews. Koons is recognized for the great fil m structure and for the information she shares with the audience. She appeals to pathos and logos to convince viewers of the danger GMOs have on our society. Although Koons presents different downsides of the use of GMOs, there are others who believe GMOs will be necessary in the futureRead MoreWhy Are Genetically Modified Foods?1359 Words   |  6 Pagesorganisms (GMOs) are a type of organism that has had its deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) changed to include a foreign gene that allows for some enhancement in the organism such as longer shelf-life, less need for water, or more nutrients available in the organism. Slight modifications to an organisms deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) allows for crops to make better use of resources, have a longer shelf life or even contain more nutrients. This technology could benefit the struggling agricultural communityRead MoreThe Gmo Trap : An Unexposed Secret1681 Words   |  7 PagesThe GMO Trap: An Unexposed Secret With new technology being utilized in the medical, agricultural, and economic aspects of daily living, numerous perilous concerns have risen against the proper usage and non-maleficence of these high-tech mechanics. For about a decade now, genetically modified foods have occupied the shelves of supermarkets and grocery stores across the nation. The ample amount of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, have sparked many affairs regarding the impact they haveRead MoreDangers Of Gmos971 Words   |  4 PagesWhy GMOs are Causing More Harm Than Good Ever since the incorporation of GMO crops into the modern diet, they have been hotly debated as evidence continues to surface indicating they may not be the miracle crops many scientists hoped for. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that GMOs pose an unnecessary risk to human health and the environment. Detrimental impacts of GMOs are seen from increased pesticide use, cultivation of harmful traits, and a general exacerbation of the very problems theyRead MoreWhy Is Genetic Modification Is The Same Thing As Biotechnology1578 Words   |  7 Pagesdiet while also managing the affordability of food production and food purchase. Selective breeding is a way for scientists to select for certain genetics that increase plant health and yields. Whereas, biotechnology allows for an expansion of acreage to be utilized for production of food crops like corn, soybeans, wheat, etc. Its important to understand that genetic modification is the same thing as biotechnology. According to, GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are defined as â€Å"BiotechnologyRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Food1330 Words   |  6 Pagesgenetically modified organism (GMO) and think it sounds scary or bad. They decide to be against the techniques of GE before actually doing any kind of research. Before you can say you are for or against GE, you must understand what GMOs are, advantages and disadvantages of GE, and why people are protesting the use of this process so much. We eat food from supermarkets every day and we should all be concerned with whether our food is safe or not. I attended an Agricultural High School, where I learnedRead MoreDoes Gmos Have Detrimental Effect On World Health1412 Words   |  6 Pageshungry place. It s hungry for love, hungry for passion, hungry for money and hungry for work. But more than anything, it s hungry for food. People are starving around the globe while the rest of us live a comfortable existence. Several companies have used their scientific expertise to genetically modify seeds to increase crop yields in an attempt to feed the masses and end world hunger. Can they do it? In the short run, yes they can, but it is important to ask at what cost?† What are they not telling

Friday, December 13, 2019

Ethical Analysis Free Essays

The Consequential Theory contends that the moral rightness of an action can be determined by looking at it consequences. If the consequences are good, the act is right. If the consequences are bad, the act is wrong. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the case of Kent, he believes that the nudity in the Lucky video game is a bad idea. He feels that some people will be really upset about it. However, the Lucky project can also bring in a great deal of revenue for Broadway, and jobs are at stake. In this case, the consequences of putting the Lucky video games on the market would result In higher revenue or net happiness. On the other hand, the fact that they Lucky video game has full nudity as well as graphic violence will upset a lot of people and they might not support the died game. Brad feels that the games are not ready for the U. S. Market; therefore, he has contacted an Internet provider who will take their game and put it on the Net as an adult product. He has also checked out foreign markets and found that they can sell the machines to the Mexican market if they tone down the violence. The Taiwanese has agreed to the version the Broadway now has and wants them to develop something more graphic in both areas. By reaching out to the foreign market, this act will also produce net happiness on the other hand it can lead teenagers to violence and internet pornography. In my opinion the fact that Kent realized that producing the Lucky video game with full nudity and graphic violence will upset some people and that they should not go through with the product demonstrates ethical behavior on the part of Broadway Corporation. However, the Joint venture with the Taiwanese group, selling of the machines to the Mexican market and using the Internet is unethical behavior on the part of Broadway Corporation. The Deontological Theory claims that actions can be judged ethically good or bad on the basis of absolute moral principles arrived by human reason regardless of the uniqueness of an action, that is, regardless of whether there is net happiness. Brad is willing to selling the video game to the foreign market as well as a Joint venture with the Taiwanese group. Kent feels that the Lucky video game is a bad idea and feels they should not go with the nudity idea. In my opinion, Brad Is willing to market the Lucky video games to the foreign markets and on the Internet with the nudity and graphic violence is unethical on the part of the Broadway Corporation. By doing this, It may contribute to teenage violence and prone. Kent Is thinking of the people that the Lucky video game might set which is ethical on the part of Broadway Corporation. I nee Dental AT ten Lucky peeve Is ten pronto Tanat Broadway corporation will make. The test market results suggested that the nudity and graphic violence increased profitability dramatically. The cost of the Lucky video game will be the video design, development, implementation, and operation. Other costs include site and facility and the shipping of the video games globally. Under the Consequential Theory, the benefit is increased profitability which is net happiness; therefore, the Lucky project is good because of the profitability. Under the Deontological Theory, by selling to the foreign markets and internet, Broadway Corporation saying that it is okay for the foreign markets to sell video games with graphic violence and nudity to the U. S. Markets. The Broadway Corporation should consider taking out the nudity and graphic violence in the Lucky video game. After all their target market is children aged 5 to 12 and teenagers between the ages of 13 to 19 and of this market 75% are male. The Broadway Corporation can end up Jeopardizing their stance in the video market by producing and selling the Lucky video game. How to cite Ethical Analysis, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Frees Importance of Relationships Exposed Essay Example For Students

Frees Importance of Relationships Exposed Essay in The Grapes of Wrath Grapes Wrath essaysImportance of Relationships Exposed in The Grapes of Wrath Relationships are everywhere around you and at all times they are present and needed. Good interactions with people form average lives into fairytales and wishes into realities. People need all types of relationships; they need love to know they have a great person right with them along the whole way, they need someone to care about and support, they need someone to flirt with and to have a strong sexual relationship with, and most importantly they need a friend to behold there secrets and trust. We will write a custom essay on Frees Importance of Relationships Exposed specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Relationships help people get through the tough times; they are there to maintain healthy lifestyles, which is something everyone desires. Relationships are used frequently throughout the novel to amplify and describe the harsh conditions of the land and the journey westward. The family who set off to California during the depression only made it there because of the people around them. The love in ones heart is not always as noticeable as we would like it to be; yet it is always present if someone truly loves another. It is hard not to have such a strong and desirable love for someone you have missed in the past. Ma and Tom Joad had so much love for each other, and it is rather funny how no one really noticed it but them. They always looked out for one and other during the hard times, it was the helping hand of the other that made them survive. She crawled close to his voice ` I wanta touch ya again, Tom. Its like Im blin, Its so dark. I wanta remember, even if its only my fingers that remember ` (569). If that person that you love with all your heart has to leave you, it would be the worst feeling in the entire world because you would know just then that you might not make it without them during the tough times. Ma Joad feels that exact emotion toward her son Tom. Thought must run through both of there head about how they will ever live without the other. It is a hard thing to face and a hard thing to defeat. The relationship between Ma Joad and her beloved son Tom is more than just family love; during the trip their connection grew to dependence and need. Caring for someone can develop a compassionate friendship, and it honors that person to know indirectly you will always be there for encouragement. A person who cares about you could be someone you have known for a long time or simply it could be someone who just wants to help; there are very few people in this world who are known to have such a privilege. Casy is a special person and a great friend to Sairy Wilson. He has done some remarkable things for her and others as well. They had somewhat of a secret friendship; no one knew how much they helped one and other out. `You got a God. Dont make no difference if you don know what he looks like. The preacher bowed his head. She watched him apprehensively. And when he raised his head again she looked relieved. `Thats good, she said. `Thats what I needed. Somebody close enough to pray. (298) All Sairy wanted was a prayer for her soul from someone close enough to God so it would be heard. She was lucky to have someone who cared like Casy, even if he could have said a better prayer; She was lucky to have a friend like Casy. True love is often mistaken for attraction and many people get carried away and forget those feelings they once had for each other. Attraction is full of fun things that can either make or break a beautiful relationship. Who knows if Connie ever truly loved Rosasharn, but one thing is for sure, they loved the benefits of being married. .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b , .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b .postImageUrl , .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b , .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b:hover , .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b:visited , .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b:active { border:0!important; } .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b:active , .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u65a8dfb2647803269a19ec7b51524d6b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Form: A speech at a Woman's Rights conference Essay Even while Rose of Sharon was pregnant they could hardly keep their hands off of each other, even before her entire family as they were dreaming off into the night. and in the heat they struggled together, and held their breaths. And after a time Connie through off the blanket and the hot tunneling wind felt cool on their wet bodies.(306) If Connie had not left Rosasharn it would be clearer they had some love for each other. However Connie did leave his pregnant wife alone to struggle and somewhat survive. In the heat of their passion love was somewhat present; still during the hot days something was missing between them, something that was not obvious until Connie left. Lots of little things make one big friendship. A true friend like Tom brings out the best of their good friend, like Casy. Not only do they bring out the best of each other, but the bring out the best of themselves. Who knew that a priest and a prisoner could have so much integrity and so much in common? As Tom invites Casy to travel with his family to California, he is unknowingly changing his feelings about Casy forever as a true friend. Tom looked down at the preacher. The light crossed the heavy mans legs and white new pick handle. Tom leaped silently. He wrenched the club free. The first time he knew he had missed and struck a shoulder, but the second time his crushing blow found the head (527) Even though Tom knew that killing another man would ruin the rest of his life, he had to do it for his best friend Casy, no matter the consequence. Similar to Tom Casy would have done the same thing, and in fact he did do something similar. Let us not forget Casy taking the blame for hitting the police officer, he knew if he had not done that, his good friend Tom would have had a much shorter life. True friends stick up for each other one hundred percent of the time, which is what simply makes such a brilliant friendship.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Hero Diary Entry Essay Example For Students

The Hero Diary Entry Essay Another dreadful day in war has finished. Im tired of arriving every night here to my dormitory in the front line and having to write letters to tell families that their relatives have died in war and then having to delivery them. My job unfortunately consists of damaging peoples feelings and lives by doing this but is the only useful thing I can do in the war due to my physical incapacity. Having only one leg since the start of the war has been very hard for me but Ive learned to control this terrible situation. One week ago another young soldier died and I had to write to an old lady telling her that her only son, Jack, died in war. We will write a custom essay on The Hero Diary Entry specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now This is very hard for me because he was a defenceless, young soldier who wasnt really prepared for the war and I feel guilty for making him fight in the trenches and die blown up into little pieces by a mine. In other words he was a coward; he felt angry towards the war and didnt want to fight for his country but I couldnt tell that to the woman. Last night my challenge started. I had to leave the front line to take the letter to Jacks mother in a nearby county. The journey was long but I had to do this myself because it is my job and was partly my fault. After a long painful ride in horse and then in car, finally I arrived at the old ladys house, it was strange but I felt confident. I couldnt imagine the old ladys reaction but I was prepared for anything. I knocked on the door and a lonely woman with a very soft, passive voice opened the door. I did my entrance speech telling her I was a war officer, but she wasnt impressed, she just made me enter the house and sit on a couch near the fire place. I noticed shed been there all the afternoon drinking tea and playing cards alone. She broke the silence by asking me what was the purpose of my visit and why was I staring at her with such a cold face. I kept quiet and my expressions were like a sick man. I started telling her that her boy was very brave in the war and that he had became an important soldier with an outstanding effort and dedication in the army. Every time a word came out of my mouth I felt even worse and tenser because I never imagined me lying to families so that they could be proud of their sons. What was even worse was the idea that the old woman believed that entire fake.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The 14 Best Low-Carb Fruits to Help You Lose Weight

The 14 Best Low-Carb Fruits to Help You Lose Weight SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips While fruit has a reputation for being a healthy food group, many types of fruit are actually high in carbs. If you're on a low-carb diet, you may be wondering how you can eat fruit and also stick to your diet. Do you need to give up fruit completely? Absolutely not! You just need to know which fruits are low-carb. In this guide we explain what low-carb really means and what the benefits of low-carb fruits are. We then go over the 14 best low-carb fruits to eat, as well as four types of fruit you should avoid if you're on a low carb diet. What Are the Benefits of Low-Carb Fruits? What's so great about low-carb fruits? Low-carb diets have become very popular in recent decades as a way for people to lose weight. Carbohydrates not immediately used by the body are converted to fat, and eating lots of carbs can cause a spike in blood sugar which can cause cravings for more carb-rich foods. Because of this, many people try to limit the number of carbs they consume, and numerous low-carb diets, such as the Atkins and Paleo diet, have sprung up, emphasizing foods high in fat and protein over carb-rich foods. Carbohydrates do have benefits though. They are the brain’s main fuel source and are necessary for your body to run properly. Therefore, your goal should never be to cut out carbs completely from your diet, but instead to consume a healthy amount. While foods like pasta, potatoes, beer, and soft drinks are the usual suspects when looking for carb-rich foods, many fruits also have a significant amount of carbohydrates. So even if you’re used to thinking of fruit as a completely healthy food group, some types of fruit can derail your low-carb diet. Therefore, it’s important to know which fruits are low-carb. Fruits provide many important vitamins and nutrients that the body needs to function properly, so you don’t want to eliminate them from your diet, even if you’re trying to be low-carb. The solution is to learn which fruits are low-carb and eat more of those. Fruits low in carbs provide nutritional benefits while still allowing people to stick to their low-carb diets. What Does â€Å"Low-Carb† Actually Mean? Before we dive what fruits are low-carb, let’s first discuss what â€Å"low-carb† means. If you’re not sure what the definition of low-carb is, you’re not alone. There is no set definition for â€Å"low-carb† and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not set any regulations as to what low-carb means. Since there is no official definition for â€Å"low-carb,† any food can be labelled as low-carb. Usually low-carb foods have been altered in such a way as to reduce the amount of carbs they would normally have (such as low-carb beer), or they naturally have fewer carbs than many other foods. In this guide, we define a low-carb fruit as any fruit that has 15g or less of carbs per serving. This is a low enough amount of carbs that you can likely still eat these fruits and keep to your diet, but it also gives you a decent variety of fruits to choose from. The 14 Best Low-Carb Fruits So, what fruits are low in carbs? We’ve done the hard work for you, and below is a list of the 14 best low-carb fruits. If you’re trying to stick to a low-carb diet, these are all great choices for you. The fruits are ordered from lowest amount of carbs per serving to highest. For each fruit on this low-carb fruits list, we’ve included the serving size, how many carbs it contains, how much sugar it contains, and any important health benefits the fruit may provide. All the nutritional info comes from the USDA’s National Nutritional Database. When reading this list, pay close attention to the serving size of each fruit. They aren’t all the same, and not paying attention to serving size can seriously derail your diet. #1: Starfruit Serving Size: 1 medium starfruit (about 90g) Carbs: 6g Sugar: 4g Health Benefits: In addition to having one of the lowest amounts of carbs for any fruit, starfruit is also a good source of fiber and vitamin C. #2: Tomatoes Serving Size: 1 regular-sized tomato (about 180g) Carbs: 7g Sugar: 5g Health Benefits: Tomatoes are very high in lycopene, an important antioxidant. Eating tomatoes regularly may also reduce the risk of prostate cancer and pancreatic cancer. #3: Avocados Serving Size:  ½ an avocado (about 100g) Carbs: 8g Sugar: 0.5g Health Benefits: Yes, avocados are indeed a fruit, and they’re high in Vitamins K, C, E, and several B vitamins. Avocados are also high in folate and potassium, as well as healthy fats. They’re also very low in sugar compared to other fruits. #4: Plums Serving Size: 1 plum, about 70g Carbs: 8g Sugar: 7g Health Benefits: Plums are high in antioxidants and Vitamin C, and they may increase iron absorption in the body. #5: Clementines Serving Size: 1 clementine (about 75g) Carbs: 9g Sugar: 7g Health Benefits: Clementines are high in Vitamin C as well as calcium and potassium. #6: Coconut Meat (Raw) Serving Size: 1 cup shredded (about 80g) Carbs: 12g Sugar: 5g Health Benefits: Raw coconut meat is a good source of healthy fats and fiber. It’s important to eat raw coconut meat though. Dried coconut has more than double the carbs per serving as raw coconut. #7: Strawberries Serving Size: 1 cup (about 150 grams) Carbs: 12g Sugar: 7g Health Benefits: Like other berries, strawberries are high in antioxidants as well as vitamins A, C, and E. Strawberries also have high levels of anthocyanins, a group of flavonoids that can reduce the risk of heart attacks. #8: Watermelon Serving Size: 1 cup, diced (about 150g) Carbs: 12g Sugar: 10g Health Benefits: As their name suggests, watermelons are mostly made of water, but this high water content will help you feel full faster. Watermelon also contains Vitamins A, B6, and C, as well as the antioxidant lycopene. The more red the watermelon you’re eating is, the more lycopene it contains. #9: Cherries Serving Size: 10 cherries (about 80g) Carbs: 13g Sugar: 10g Health Benefits: Cherries are high in antioxidants and can reduce inflammation in the body. #10: Peaches Serving Size: 1 small peach (about 130g) Carbs: 13g Sugar: 11g Health Benefits: Peaches are high in a number of minerals, including calcium, potassium, and magnesium. #11: Cantaloupe Serving Size: 1 cup, diced (about 150g) Carbs: 13g Sugar: 12g Health Benefits: This fruit is high in potassium, and it’s a good source of B vitamins. #12: Blackberries Serving Size: 1 cup (about 120 grams) Carbs: 14g Sugar: 7g Health Benefits: Blackberries have one of the highest antioxidant concentrations of any fruit. They are also high in Vitamin C, as well as tannins, which can help with digestion issues. #13: Honeydew Serving Size: 1 cup, diced (about 170g) Carbs: 14g Sugar: 14g Health Benefits: Honeydew is a good source of potassium, and its high water content means that you feel full faster. #14: Raspberries Serving Size: 1 cup (about 120 grams) Carbs: 15g Sugar: 6g Health Benefits: Raspberries are high in fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins A, C, and E. 4 Fruits to Avoid If You’re Low-Carb In this section are the four fruits that have high amounts of carbohydrates and sugar. You don’t need to completely avoid them, but you should definitely limit the amount you consume if you’re trying to stick to a low-carb diet. #1: Bananas Serving Size: 1 medium banana (about 120g) Carbs: 27g Sugar: 15g #2: Mangos Serving Size: 1 cup, diced (about 160g) Carbs: 25g Sugar: 23g #3: Pineapple Serving Size: 1 cup, diced (about 160g) Carbs: 22g Sugar: 16g #4: All Dried Fruit There’s a reason all the low-carb fruits in the list above are fresh/raw. When fruit is dried, the amount of carbs and sugar it contains per serving drastically increases. For example, while a cup of fresh strawberries only contains 12g of carbs and 7g of sugar, one cup of dried strawberries contains, on average, 96g of carbs and 82g of sugar! In addition, many dried fruits have sugar added to them, which makes them even more unhealthy. Definitely keep away from dried fruit if you’re on a low-carb diet. How Much Fruit Can You Eat on a Low Carb Diet? Does being on a low-carb diet mean you need to cut out fruit completely? No! As you can see from the list above, fruits provide many important nutritional benefits, and eliminating them from your diet completely can do more harm than good. The USDA recommends about two cups of fruit per day in order to maintain a healthy diet. Depending on how many carbs your diet recommends, you may be able to meet this goal, especially if you choose low-carb fruits. For example, a plum and a cup of strawberries together only contain 20g of carbs, but they provide many nutritional benefits. How much fruit you can eat depends on the diet you’re following and how many carbs you’re getting from other food groups, but you should still aim to regularly eat different fruits. Recap: Low-Carb Fruits Even though fruit is typically thought of as a â€Å"healthy† food group, certain fruits can be very high in carbohydrates, which can make it difficult if you’re following a low-carb diet. Low-carb fruits give the nutritional benefits of fruits without a lot of carbs. Our low-carb fruits list helps you pick out what fruits are low in carbs. This list includes several types of berries, melons, and other fruits. You should avoid high-carb fruits like bananas, dried fruit, and certain types of tropical fruit. Even if you’re on a low-carb diet, it’s still possible to eat fruit if you make healthy and smart choices about the type of fruit you eat and eat mostly fruits low in carbs.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Organisational performance development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Organisational performance development - Essay Example To improve their financial performance, businesses have been expanding their operations to foreign markets. One such company is IKEA, whose story is captured in a case study developed by Kippenberger (1997). In this article, Kippenberger (1997) extols the IKEA’s virtues and ethos and its business models. In a similar article, Jonathan (1988) discusses the IKEA’s pricing strategies and compares it with other flat-pack retailers based in the UK. This paper examines the IKEA’s key attributes and suggests ways through which they can be enhanced to create wealth and improve shareholder value. 2. Background IKEA is one of the privately held companies operating worldwide, and it sells flat pack furniture, and bathroom accessories.. The company is renowned for its flat-pack design furniture, which it sells at affordable prices. The IKEA’s origin can be traced to 1943 in Sweden, but it has since grown to 301 stores most of which are located in Europe, North America , Asia and Australia. The name IKEA is an acronym of the originator Ingvar Kamprad and the farm and village where he grew at. The growth of the company has been phenomenal starting in the 1950s, the company printed its first advertisements which were aired on different mass media platforms. The 1960s saw the company expand its presence in the neighbouring countries: Norway and Denmark. In 1970s, the company continued with its rapid expansion program by opening up stores in Germany, Australia, Canada, Austria and the Netherlands. In the UK, the company opened its first store in 1990s, then followed by Poland, Czech Republic, UAE, US, Spain and China. At the turn of the 21st century the company sought to increase its influence by opening retail stores in Russia and Japan. Throughout the years, the company has weathered stiff competition to emerge as one of the greatest furniture manufacturer and provider. It uses the hybrid strategy to provide its clientele with a wide variety of prod ucts and services. In order to control its costs, IKEA has embraced a standardized process and such strategy has helped the company maintain solid financial performance even after the 2008 financial turmoil. According to Ivarsson and Alvstam (2001) the company financial success can be traced to a confluence of many factors including: innovation, efficient supply chain management, ability to respond fast to the market conditions and customers’ needs. This report seeks to examine some of the key features of the IKEA’s business operations while suggesting ways through which it could be strengthened. The company’s vision is to ensure customers enjoy better life while its mission is to provide buyers with well designed furniture at affordable prices. Beside providing customers with affordable goods and services, the other objective of the company is to ensure that the customers receive standardized services in all its stores. To be able to serve its growing clientele , IKEA has a well established organizational structure headed by the CEO and its corporate structure is divided into two: operations and franchising. 3. Innovation and organizational stability 3.1 Innovation Through the one-suit model the company has been able to improve the popularity of its offerings all over the